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Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets

Pack Assets​


The Centreon Monitoring Connector Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets brings 1 host template:

  • Cloud-Azure-Compute-Vmscalesets-custom

It brings the following Service Templates:

Service AliasService TemplateService DescriptionDefault
Cpu-UsageCloud-Azure-Compute-Vmscalesets-Cpu-Usage-ApiCheck CPU of Virtual Machine Scale SetsX
DiskioCloud-Azure-Compute-Vmscalesets-Diskio-ApiCheck disks IX
HealthCloud-Azure-Compute-Vmscalesets-Health-ApiCheck Virtual Machine Scale Sets stateX
MemoryCloud-Azure-Compute-Vmscalesets-Memory-ApiCheck memory available on Virtual Machine Scale SetsX
TrafficCloud-Azure-Compute-Vmscalesets-Traffic-ApiCheck Virtual Machine Scale Sets network usageX

Discovery rules​

The Centreon Monitoring Connector Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets includes a Host Discovery provider to automatically discover the Azure instances of a given subscription and add them to the Centreon configuration. This provider is named Microsoft Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets:


This discovery feature is only compatible with the 'api' custom mode. 'azcli' is not supported.

More information about the Host Discovery module is available in the Centreon documentation: Host Discovery

Collected metrics & status​

Metric NameUnit


Please find all the prerequisites needed for Centreon to get information from Azure in the dedicated page.


  1. Install the Centreon package on every Centreon poller expected to monitor Azure VMSS resources:
yum install centreon-plugin-Cloud-Azure-Compute-Vmscalesets-Api
  1. On the Centreon Web interface, install the Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets Centreon Monitoring Connector on the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager page.



  • Log into Centreon and add a new Host through Configuration > Hosts.
  • In the IP Address/FQDN** field, set the following IP address: ''.
  • Select the Cloud-Azure-Compute-Vmscalesets-custom template to apply to the Host.
  • Once the template is applied, fill in the corresponding macros. Some macros are mandatory. These mandatory Macros differ depending the custom mode used.

Two methods can be used to set the Macros:

  • full ID of the Resource (/subscriptions/<subscription_id>/resourceGroups/<resourcegroup_id>/providers/XXXXX/XXXXX/<resource_name>) in AZURERESOURCE
  • Resource Name in AZURERESOURCE associated with Resource Group (in AZURERESOURCEGROUP)
AZURECUSTOMMODECustom mode 'api'
AZURERESOURCEID or name of the %s resource
AZURERESOURCEGROUPAssociated Resource Group if resource name is used

How to check in the CLI that the configuration is OK and what are the main options for?​

Once the plugin is installed, log into your Centreon Poller CLI using the centreon-engine user account (su - centreon-engine) and test the Plugin by running the following command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// \
--plugin=cloud::azure::compute::vmscalesets::plugin \
--mode=cpu \
--custommode='api' \
--resource='' \
--resource-group='' \
--subscription='' \
--tenant='' \
--client-id='' \
--client-secret='' \
--proxyurl='' \
--filter-metric='' \
--timeframe='900' \
--interval='PT5M' \
--warning-cpu-usage='' \
--critical-cpu-usage='' \
--warning-cpu-credits-remaining='' \
--critical-cpu-credits-remaining='' \

The expected command output is shown below:

OK: CPU Credits Consumed CPU Credits Remaining CPU percent | 'cpu.credits.consumed.count'=9000;;;0; 'cpu.credits.remaining.count'=9000;;;0; 'cpu.utilization.percentage'=9000%;;;0;100 

All available options for a given mode can be displayed by adding the --help parameter to the command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// \
--plugin=cloud::azure::compute::vmscalesets::plugin \
--mode=cpu \

All available options for a given mode can be displayed by adding the --list-mode parameter to the command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// \
--plugin=cloud::azure::compute::vmscalesets::plugin \


Please find all the troubleshooting documentation for the API-based Plugins in the dedicated chapter of the Centreon documentation.