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Office 365 Azure AD

Pack Assets​


The Centreon Monitoring Connector Office 365 Azure AD brings a host template:

  • Cloud-Microsoft-Office365-AzureAD-Api-custom

It brings the following service template:

Service AliasService TemplateService DescriptionDefault
Directory-QuotaCloud-Microsoft-Office365-AzureAD-Directory-Quota-ApiCheck Azure AD Directory Quota usageX

Collected metrics & status​

Metric NameUnit


Register an application​

Refer to the documentation available here to register your application.

Office365 Management API authorization​

To collect data from OneDrive Online, you need to specify the following authorization:

  • Microsoft Graph :
    • Organization.Read.All
    • Directory.Read.All

Check out the endpoint documentation here. It describes the required privileges to obtain information about the organization directory quota.


  1. Install the package on every Centreon poller expected to monitor Azure AD resources:
yum install centreon-plugin-Cloud-Microsoft-Office365-AzureAD-Api
  1. On the Centreon web interface, on page Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager, install the Office 365 Azure AD Centreon Monitoring Connector.



  • Log into Centreon and add a new host through Configuration > Hosts.
  • Fill the Name, Alias & IP Address/DNS fields according to your Azure AD server settings.
  • Apply the Cloud-Microsoft-Office365-AzureAD-Api-custom template to the host.
  • Once the template is applied, fill in the corresponding macros. Some macros are mandatory.
OFFICE365EXTRAOPTIONSAny extra option you may want to add to every command line (eg. a --verbose flag)

How to check in the CLI that the configuration is OK and what are the main options for?​

Once the plugin is installed, log into your Centreon poller's CLI using the centreon-engine user account (su - centreon-engine) and test the plugin by running the following command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// \
--plugin=cloud::microsoft::office365::azuread::plugin \
--mode=directory-size-usage \
--tenant='abcd1234-5678-90ab-cd12-34567890abcd' \
--client-id='9876dcba-5432-10dc-ba98-76543210dcba' \
--client-secret='8/RON4vUGhAcg6DRmSxc4AwgxSRoNfKg4d8xNizIMnwg=' \
--warning-usage='90' \
--critical-usage='95' \
--units='%' \
--verbose \

The expected command output is shown below:

OK: Directory size usage : 265079/309000 (85.79%) | ''=265079;0:278100;0:293550;0;309000

All available options for a given mode can be displayed by adding the --help parameter to the command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// \
--plugin=cloud::microsoft::office365::azuread::plugin \
--mode=directory-size-usage \

All available modes can be displayed by adding the --list-mode parameter to the command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// \
--plugin=cloud::microsoft::office365::azuread::plugin \


Please find the troubleshooting documentation for Centreon Plugins typical issues.