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Prometheus Server

Pack Assets​


The Centreon Monitoring Connector Prometheus Server brings 2 different host templates:

  • Cloud-Prometheus-Api-custom
  • Cloud-Prometheus-Target-Name-Api-custom

It brings the following service templates:

Service AliasService TemplateService DescriptionDefault
ExpressionCloud-Prometheus-Expression-ApiCheck allowing to execute queries and use results to define thresholds
Target-Name-StatusCloud-Prometheus-Target-Name-Status-ApiCheck targets status filtered by nameX
Target-StatusCloud-Prometheus-Target-Status-ApiCheck targets statusX

Discovery rules​

The Centreon Monitoring Connector Prometheus Server includes a Host Discovery provider to automatically discover Prometheus targets.


Collected metrics & status​

Generic mode to perform PromQL queries

Metric NameUnit


The Centreon Poller should be able to perform queries against Prometheus API over HTTP.


  1. Install the package on every Centreon poller expected to monitor Prometheus Server resources:
yum install centreon-plugin-Cloud-Prometheus-Api
  1. On the Centreon web interface, on page Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager, install the Prometheus Server Centreon Monitoring Connector.



Template to monitor Prometheus server.

  • Log into Centreon and add a new host through Configuration > Hosts.
  • Fill the Name, Alias & IP Address/DNS fields according to your Prometheus Server server settings.
  • Apply the Cloud-Prometheus-Api-custom template to the host.
  • Once the template is applied, fill in the corresponding macros. Some macros are mandatory.
EXTRAOPTIONSAny extra option you may want to add to every command line (eg. a --verbose flag)
XPROMETHEUSAPIURL(Default : '/api/v1')


How to check in the CLI that the configuration is OK and what are the main options for ?​

Note: The test below assumes that you are using the Monitoring Connector on top of a Prometheus Server.

Once the Plugin installed, log into your Centreon Poller CLI using the centreon-engine user account and test the Plugin by running the following command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// \
--plugin=cloud::prometheus::restapi::plugin \
--mode=target-status \ \
--url-path='/api/v1' --port='9090' --proto='http' \
--filter-label='job,coredns' \
--warning-status='' --critical-status='%\{health\} !~ /up/'

Expected command output is shown below:

OK: Targets Active: 2, Dropped: 175, Up: 2, Down: 0, Unknown: 0 - All targets status are ok | ''=2;;;0; 'targets.dropped.count'=175;;;0; 'targets.up.count'=2;;;0; 'targets.down.count'=0;;;0; 'targets.unknown.count'=0;;;0;
Target '' health is 'up' [pod = coredns-74ff55c5b-g4hmt][namespace = kube-system][service = prometheus-operator-coredns][instance =][job = coredns][endpoint = http-metrics]
Target '' health is 'up' [pod = coredns-74ff55c5b-vh9zt][namespace = kube-system][service = prometheus-operator-coredns][instance =][job = coredns][endpoint = http-metrics]

The command above check the status of the targets (--mode=target-status) linked to a Prometheus server ( exposing its API over HTTP and listnening on port 9090 (--port='9090' --proto='http').

Only targets linked with the coredns job label are checked (--filter-label='job,coredns').

The command triggers a CRITICAL if any of the Target status is not equal to "up".

How to use the generic Expression mode ?​

Note: The mode below can be used with Host that are not Prometheus Server even if the metric collection use it. The Host must inherit from the Cloud-Prometheus-Api-custom Template and the Service needs to be created manually using the Cloud-Prometheus-Expression-Api-custom Service Template.

Nothing is better than a clear example to understand how the Expression generic mode works:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// \
--plugin=cloud::prometheus::restapi::plugin \
--mode=expression \ \
--url-path='/api/v1' --port='9090' --proto='http' \
--query='cpu_requests,sum by (node) (kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores) / sum by (node) (kube_node_status_capacity_cpu_cores) * 100' \
--output='%\{instance\} CPU Requests: %\{cpu_requests\}%' --multiple-output='Nodes CPU Requests within bounds' \
--instance='node' \
--warning-status='%\{cpu_requests\} > 60' --critical-status='%\{cpu_requests\} > 70' \
--use-new-perfdata --verbose

--query option and QUERIES macro​

The --query option allows to define two things:

  • the Centreon metric name (cpu_requests)
  • the PromQL query (sum by (node) (kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores) / sum by (node) (kube_node_status_capacity_cpu_cores) * 100)

In the Service definition, you can specify several queries that's why the QUERIES macro exceptionnaly includes the option definition. Here, QUERIES value would be "--query='cpu_requests,sum by (node) (kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores) / sum by (node) (kube_node_status_capacity_cpu_cores) * 100'".

--instance option and INSTANCE macro​

The instance option explicits the Prometheus metric dimension/label the Plugin will highlight in the graphs (--instance='node'). The INSTANCE macro value would be "node" in this example.

--multiple-output/--output options and MULTIPLEOUTPUT/OUTPUT macros​

The output-related options gives ability to tune output messages of the check in the following cases:

  • Check a metric on multiple instances
  • Check returning an error

Values can be specified through the corresponding macros, in this example the value of OUTPUT macro would be "%{instance} CPU Requests: %{cpu_requests}%". Note that we use the Centreon label defined in the --query option to use the obtained value). We also use the '%{instance}' keyword to display the node name.

The MULTIPLEOUTPUT value would be "Nodes CPU Requests within bounds"

--\*-status options and *STATUS macros​

--warning-status and --critical-status purpose is to define when the Plugin will raise an alert.

In the command above, the check triggers a WARNING alarm when the 'cpu_requests' value is above 60 and a CRITICAL one when it is above 70.

Note that the Centreon label defined in the --query options is used again to compare the obtained value with thresholds.

The macros value would be '%{cpu_requests} > 60' for WARNINGSTATUS and '%{cpu_requests} > 70' for CRITICALSTATUS.

Expected output and macros summary​

If everything is OK, a output similar to the one below should be displayed:

OK: Nodes CPU Requests within bounds | ''=37.5;;;; ''=35;;;; ''=30;;;; CPU Requests: 37.5% CPU Requests: 35% CPU Requests: 30%

Here is a summary of the Service's macros definitions:

QUERIES--query='cpu_requests,sum by (node) (kube_pod_container_resource_requests_cpu_cores) / sum by (node) (kube_node_status_capacity_cpu_cores) * 100'
OUTPUTURL Path to reach API (Default: '/api/v1)
MULTIPLEOUTPUTNodes CPU Requests within bounds
WARNINGSTATUS%{cpu_requests} > 60
CRITICALSTATUS%{cpu_requests} > 70
EXTRAOPTIONS--verbose --use-new-perfdata


UNKNOWN: 500 Can't connect to (<error_text>) |​

When facing this error message, check that port, hostname are OK and double check the connection between your Centreon Poller and the Prometheus Server.

The <error_text> should give more information about the root cause

UNKNOWN: 400 Bad Request |​

The PromQL query expression is invalid. Check that it works within the Prometheus WebUI.


Please find the troubleshooting documentation for the API-based plugins in this chapter.