EMC Data Domain SNMP
Connector dependencies​
The following monitoring connectors will be installed when you install the EMC Data Domain SNMP connector through the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager menu:
Pack assets​
The Monitoring Connector EMC Data Domain SNMP brings a host template:
- HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-SNMP-custom
The connector brings the following service templates (sorted by the host template they are attached to):
- HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-SNMP-custom
- Not attached to a host template
Service Alias | Service Template | Service Description | Discovery |
Alerts | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Alerts-SNMP-custom | Check current alerts | |
Cleaning | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Cleaning-SNMP-custom | Check last time filesystems have been cleaned | |
Filesystems | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Filesystems-SNMP-custom | Check filesystems | X |
Hardware-Global | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Global-SNMP-custom | Check all hardware | |
Mtrees | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Mtrees-SNMP-custom | Check MTrees | X |
Process | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Process-SNMP-custom | Check process status | |
Replications | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Replications-SNMP-custom | Check replications | X |
The services listed above are created automatically when the HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-SNMP-custom host template is used.
If Discovery is checked, it means a service discovery rule exists for this service template.
Service Alias | Service Template | Service Description | Discovery |
Hardware-Battery | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Battery-SNMP-custom | Check nvram batteries of storage | |
Hardware-Disk | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Disk-SNMP-custom | Check disks of storage | |
Hardware-Fan | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Fan-SNMP-custom | Check fans of storage | |
Hardware-Psu | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Psu-SNMP-custom | Check power supplies of storage | |
Hardware-Temperature | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Temperature-custom | Check temperatures | |
Interfaces | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Interfaces-SNMP-custom | Check interfaces | X |
The services listed above are not created automatically when a host template is applied. To use them, create a service manually, then apply the service template you want.
If Discovery is checked, it means a service discovery rule exists for this service template.
Discovery rules​
Host discovery​
Rule name | Description |
SNMP Agents | Discover your resources through an SNMP subnet scan. You need to install the Generic SNMP connector to get the discovery rule and create a template mapper for the HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-SNMP-custom host template. |
More information about discovering hosts automatically is available on the dedicated page.
Service discovery​
Rule name | Description |
HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-SNMP-Filesystems | Discover the disk partitions and monitor space occupation |
HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-SNMP-Interfaces | Discover network interfaces and monitor bandwidth utilization |
HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-SNMP-Mtrees | Discover the Mtrees to monitor |
HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-SNMP-Replications | Discover the replications to monitor |
More information about discovering services automatically is available on the dedicated page and in the following chapter.
Collected metrics & status​
Here is the list of services for this connector, detailing all metrics and statuses linked to each service.
- Alerts
- Cleaning
- Filesystems
- Hardware-Battery
- Hardware-Disk
- Hardware-Fan
- Hardware-Global
- Hardware-Psu
- Hardware-Psu*
- Interfaces
- Mtrees
- Process
- Replications
Name | Unit |
alerts.current.count | count |
Name | Unit |
filesystems.cleaning.execution.last.days | d |
Name | Unit |
filesystems.detected.count | count |
fs~filesystem.space.usage.bytes | B |
fs~filesystem.space.free.bytes | B |
fs~filesystem.space.usage.percentage | % |
fs~filesystem.precompression.space.usage.bytes | B |
fs~filesystem.space.cleanable.bytes | B |
Name | Unit |
status | N/A |
battery~hardware.battery.nvram.charge.percentage | % |
hardware.battery.count | N/A |
Name | Unit |
status | N/A |
hardware.disk.count | N/A |
Name | Unit |
status | N/A |
hardware.fan.count | N/A |
Name | Unit |
battery.status | N/A |
disk.status | N/A |
fan.status | N/A |
psu.status | N/A |
temperature.status | N/A |
Name | Unit |
status | N/A |
hardware.psu.count | N/A |
Name | Unit |
status | N/A |
temperature~hardware.temperature.celsius | C |
hardware.temperature.count | N/A |
Name | Unit |
interface_name#status | N/A |
interface_name#interface.traffic.in.bitspersecond | b/s |
interface_name#interface.traffic.out.bitspersecond | b/s |
interface_name#interface.packets.in.discard.percentage | % |
interface_name#interface.packets.in.error.percentage | % |
interface_name#interface.packets.out.discard.percentage | % |
interface_name#interface.packets.out.error.percentage | % |
Name | Unit |
mtrees.detected.count | count |
status | N/A |
mtrees~mtree.precompression.space.usage.bytes | B |
mtrees~mtree.daily.precompression.data.written.bytes | B |
mtrees~mtree.daily.postcompression.data.written.bytes | B |
Name | Unit |
nfs-status | N/A |
cifs-status | N/A |
ddboost-status | N/A |
vtl-status | N/A |
Name | Unit |
replications.detected.count | count |
status | N/A |
repl~replication.precompression.data.remaining.bytes | B |
last-insync-time | N/A |
SNMP Configuration​
The SNMP service must be configured and activated on the host. Please refer to the official documentation from the constructor/editor. Your resource may require a list of addresses authorized to query it to be set up. Please ensure that the addresses of the Centreon pollers are included in this list.
Network flow​
The target resource must be reachable from the Centreon poller on the UDP/161 SNMP port.
Installing the monitoring connector​
- If the platform uses an online license, you can skip the package installation instruction below as it is not required to have the connector displayed within the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager menu. If the platform uses an offline license, install the package on the central server with the command corresponding to the operating system's package manager:
- Alma / RHEL / Oracle Linux 8
- Alma / RHEL / Oracle Linux 9
- Debian 11 & 12
- CentOS 7
dnf install centreon-pack-hardware-storage-emc-datadomain-snmp
dnf install centreon-pack-hardware-storage-emc-datadomain-snmp
apt install centreon-pack-hardware-storage-emc-datadomain-snmp
yum install centreon-pack-hardware-storage-emc-datadomain-snmp
- Whatever the license type (online or offline), install the EMC Data Domain SNMP connector through the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager menu.
Since Centreon 22.04, you can benefit from the 'Automatic plugin installation' feature. When this feature is enabled, you can skip the installation part below.
You still have to manually install the plugin on the poller(s) when:
- Automatic plugin installation is turned off
- You want to run a discovery job from a poller that doesn't monitor any resource of this kind yet
More information in the Installing the plugin section.
Use the commands below according to your operating system's package manager:
- Alma / RHEL / Oracle Linux 8
- Alma / RHEL / Oracle Linux 9
- Debian 11 & 12
- CentOS 7
dnf install centreon-plugin-Hardware-Storage-Emc-Datadomain-Snmp
dnf install centreon-plugin-Hardware-Storage-Emc-Datadomain-Snmp
apt install centreon-plugin-hardware-storage-emc-datadomain-snmp
yum install centreon-plugin-Hardware-Storage-Emc-Datadomain-Snmp
Using the monitoring connector​
Using a host template provided by the connector​
- Log into Centreon and add a new host through Configuration > Hosts.
- Fill in the Name, Alias & IP Address/DNS fields according to your resource's settings.
- Apply the HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-SNMP-custom template to the host.
When using SNMP v3, use the SNMPEXTRAOPTIONS macro to add specific authentication parameters. More information in the Troubleshooting SNMP section.
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
TIMEZONE | Set equipment timezone if different from Europe/London. Valid time zones can be found in C</usr/share/zoneinfo>. Format example : Europe/Paris and America/Los_Angeles | ||
SNMPEXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to every command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. |
- Deploy the configuration. The host appears in the list of hosts, and on the Resources Status page. The command that is sent by the connector is displayed in the details panel of the host: it shows the values of the macros.
Using a service template provided by the connector​
- If you have used a host template and checked Create Services linked to the Template too, the services linked to the template have been created automatically, using the corresponding service templates. Otherwise, create manually the services you want and apply a service template to them.
- Fill in the macros you want (e.g. to change the thresholds for the alerts). Some macros are mandatory (see the table below).
- Alerts
- Cleaning
- Filesystems
- Hardware-Battery
- Hardware-Disk
- Hardware-Fan
- Hardware-Global
- Hardware-Psu
- Hardware-Temperature
- Interfaces
- Mtrees
- Process
- Replications
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
TRULYALERT | Expression to define an actual alert (default: '%{severity} =~ /emergency\ | alert|warning|critical/i') | %{severity} =~ /emergency|alert|warning|critical/i |
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
FILTERFSNAME | Check filesystems by name | .* | |
WARNINGSPACEUSAGE | Threshold | 80 | |
CRITICALSPACEUSAGE | Threshold | 90 | |
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. | --verbose |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
COMPONENT | Which component to check. Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery' | battery | |
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. | --verbose |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
COMPONENT | Which component to check. Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery' | disk | |
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. | --verbose |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
COMPONENT | Which component to check. Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery' | fan | |
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. | --verbose |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
COMPONENT | Which component to check. Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery' | .* | |
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. | --verbose |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
COMPONENT | Which component to check. Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery' | psu | |
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. | --verbose |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
COMPONENT | Which component to check. Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery' | temperature | |
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. | --verbose |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
OIDFILTER | Define the OID to be used to filter interfaces (values: ifDesc, ifAlias, ifName, IpAddr) | ifname | |
OIDDISPLAY | Define the OID that will be used to name the interfaces (values: ifDesc, ifAlias, ifName, IpAddr) | ifname | |
INTERFACENAME | Set the interface (number expected) example: 1,2,... (empty means 'check all interfaces') | ||
WARNINGINERROR | Threshold | ||
CRITICALINERROR | Threshold | ||
WARNINGOUTERROR | Threshold | ||
CRITICALSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL. You can use the following variables: %{admstatus}, %{opstatus}, %{duplexstatus}, %{display} | %{admstatus} eq "up" and %{opstatus} !~ /up/ | |
WARNINGSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{admstatus}, %{opstatus}, %{duplexstatus}, %{display} | ||
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. | --verbose |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
FILTERMTREENAME | Check MTress by name | ||
WARNINGSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{status}, %{name} | ||
CRITICALSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL. You can use the following variables: %{status}, %{name} | ||
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
WARNINGCIFSSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{cifsStatus} | ||
CRITICALCIFSSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL (default: '%{cifsStatus} =~ /enabledNotRunning/'). You can use the following variables: %{cifsStatus} | ||
WARNINGDDBOOSTSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{ddboostStatus} | ||
CRITICALDDBOOSTSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL. You can use the following variables: %{ddboostStatus} | ||
WARNINGNFSSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{nfsStatus} | ||
CRITICALNFSSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL. You can use the following variables: %{nfsStatus} | ||
WARNINGVTLSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{vtlAdminState}, %{vtlProcessState} | ||
CRITICALVTLSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL (default: '%{vtlAdminState} =~ /failed/'). You can use the following variables: %{vtlAdminState}, %{vtlProcessState} | ||
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. |
Macro | Description | Default value | Mandatory |
CUSTOMINSTANCESNAME | Customize the name composition rule for the instances the metrics will be attached to. You can use the following variables: %(type) %(source) %(destination) | %(type) %(source) %(destination) | |
WARNINGSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{state}, %{status}, %{source}, %{destination}, %{type} | %{state} =~ /disabledNeedsResync\ | uninitialized/i |
CRITICALSTATUS | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL. You can use the following variables: %{state}, %{status}, %{source}, %{destination}, %{type} | %{state} =~ /initializing\ | recovering/i |
EXTRAOPTIONS | Any extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here. | --verbose |
- Deploy the configuration. The service appears in the list of services, and on the Resources Status page. The command that is sent by the connector is displayed in the details panel of the service: it shows the values of the macros.
How to check in the CLI that the configuration is OK and what are the main options for?​
Once the plugin is installed, log into your Centreon poller's CLI using the
centreon-engine user account (su - centreon-engine
). Test that the connector
is able to monitor a resource using a command like this one (replace the sample values by yours):
/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon_emc_datadomain.pl \
--plugin=storage::emc::datadomain::snmp::plugin \
--mode=mtrees \
--hostname= \
--snmp-version='2c' \
--snmp-community='my-snmp-community' \
--filter-mtree-name='' \
--warning-status='' \
The expected command output is shown below:
OK: detected: 33552 space precompression used: 20257 20257 precompression: 52436 52436 postcompression: 56937 56937 | 'mtrees.detected.count'=33552;;;0; 'mtrees~mtree.precompression.space.usage.bytes'=20257B;;;0; 'mtrees~mtree.daily.precompression.data.written.bytes'=52436B;;;0; 'mtrees~mtree.daily.postcompression.data.written.bytes'=56937B;;;0;
Please find the troubleshooting documentation for Centreon Plugins typical issues.
Available modes​
In most cases, a mode corresponds to a service template. The mode appears in the execution command for the connector. In the Centreon interface, you don't need to specify a mode explicitly: its use is implied when you apply a service template. However, you will need to specify the correct mode for the template if you want to test the execution command for the connector in your terminal.
All available modes can be displayed by adding the --list-mode
parameter to
the command:
/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon_emc_datadomain.pl \
--plugin=storage::emc::datadomain::snmp::plugin \
The plugin brings the following modes:
Mode | Linked service template |
alerts [code] | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Alerts-SNMP-custom |
cleaning [code] | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Cleaning-SNMP-custom |
filesystems [code] | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Filesystems-SNMP-custom |
hardware [code] | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Battery-SNMP-custom HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Disk-SNMP-custom HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Fan-SNMP-custom HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Global-SNMP-custom HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Psu-SNMP-custom HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Hardware-Temperature-custom |
interfaces [code] | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Interfaces-SNMP-custom |
list-filesystems [code] | Used for service discovery |
list-interfaces [code] | Used for service discovery |
list-mtrees [code] | Used for service discovery |
list-replications [code] | Used for service discovery |
mtrees [code] | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Mtrees-SNMP-custom |
process [code] | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Process-SNMP-custom |
replications [code] | HW-Storage-EMC-DataDomain-Replications-SNMP-custom |
Available options​
Generic options​
All generic options are listed here:
Option | Description |
--mode | Define the mode in which you want the plugin to be executed (see --list-mode). |
--dyn-mode | Specify a mode with the module's path (advanced). |
--list-mode | List all available modes. |
--mode-version | Check minimal version of mode. If not, unknown error. |
--version | Return the version of the plugin. |
--pass-manager | Define the password manager you want to use. Supported managers are: environment, file, keepass, hashicorpvault and teampass. |
--hostname | Name or address of the host to monitor (mandatory). |
--snmp-community | SNMP community (default value: public). It is recommended to use a read-only community. |
--snmp-version | Version of the SNMP protocol. 1 for SNMP v1 (default), 2 for SNMP v2c, 3 for SNMP v3. |
--snmp-port | UDP port to send the SNMP request to (default: 161). |
--snmp-timeout | Time to wait before sending the request again if no reply has been received, in seconds (default: 1). See also --snmp-retries. |
--snmp-retries | Maximum number of retries (default: 5). |
--maxrepetitions | Max repetitions value (default: 50) (only for SNMP v2 and v3). |
--subsetleef | How many OID values per SNMP request (default: 50) (for get_leef method. Be cautious when you set it. Prefer to let the default value). |
--snmp-autoreduce | Progressively reduce the number of requested OIDs in bulk mode. Use it in case of SNMP errors (by default, the number is divided by 2). |
--snmp-force-getnext | Use SNMP getnext function in SNMP v2c and v3. This will request one OID at a time. |
--snmp-cache-file | Use SNMP cache file. |
--snmp-username | SNMP v3 only: User name (securityName). |
--authpassphrase | SNMP v3 only: Pass phrase hashed using the authentication protocol defined in the --authprotocol option. |
--authprotocol | SNMP v3 only: Authentication protocol: MD5|SHA. Since net-snmp 5.9.1: SHA224|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512. |
--privpassphrase | SNMP v3 only: Privacy pass phrase (privPassword) to encrypt messages using the protocol defined in the --privprotocol option. |
--privprotocol | SNMP v3 only: Privacy protocol (privProtocol) used to encrypt messages. Supported protocols are: DES|AES and since net-snmp 5.9.1: AES192|AES192C|AES256|AES256C. |
--contextname | SNMP v3 only: Context name (contextName), if relevant for the monitored host. |
--contextengineid | SNMP v3 only: Context engine ID (contextEngineID), if relevant for the monitored host, given as a hexadecimal string. |
--securityengineid | SNMP v3 only: Security engine ID, given as a hexadecimal string. |
--snmp-errors-exit | Expected status in case of SNMP error or timeout. Possible values are warning, critical and unknown (default). |
--snmp-tls-transport | Transport protocol for TLS communication (can be: 'dtlsudp', 'tlstcp'). |
--snmp-tls-our-identity | X.509 certificate to identify ourselves. Can be the path to the certificate file or its contents. |
--snmp-tls-their-identity | X.509 certificate to identify the remote host. Can be the path to the certificate file or its contents. This option is unnecessary if the certificate is already trusted by your system. |
--snmp-tls-their-hostname | Common Name (CN) expected in the certificate sent by the host if it differs from the value of the --hostname parameter. |
--snmp-tls-trust-cert | A trusted CA certificate used to verify a remote host's certificate. If you use this option, you must also define --snmp-tls-their-hostname. |
--verbose | Display extended status information (long output). |
--debug | Display debug messages. |
--filter-perfdata | Filter perfdata that match the regexp. Example: adding --filter-perfdata='avg' will remove all metrics that do not contain 'avg' from performance data. |
--filter-perfdata-adv | Filter perfdata based on a "if" condition using the following variables: label, value, unit, warning, critical, min, max. Variables must be written either %{variable} or %(variable). Example: adding --filter-perfdata-adv='not (%(value) == 0 and %(max) eq "")' will remove all metrics whose value equals 0 and that don't have a maximum value. |
--explode-perfdata-max | Create a new metric for each metric that comes with a maximum limit. The new metric will be named identically with a '_max' suffix. Example: it will split 'used_prct'=26.93%;0:80;0:90;0;100 into 'used_prct'=26.93%;0:80;0:90;0;100 'used_prct_max'=100%;;;; |
--change-perfdata --extend-perfdata | Change or extend perfdata. Syntax: --extend-perfdata=searchlabel,newlabel,target[,[<new-unit-of-mesure>],[min],[max]] Common examples: =over 4 Convert storage free perfdata into used: --change-perfdata='free,used,invert()' Convert storage free perfdata into used: --change-perfdata='used,free,invert()' Scale traffic values automatically: --change-perfdata='traffic,,scale(auto)' Scale traffic values in Mbps: --change-perfdata='traffic_in,,scale(Mbps),mbps' Change traffic values in percent: --change-perfdata='traffic_in,,percent()' =back |
--change-perfdata | Change or extend perfdata. Syntax: --extend-perfdata=searchlabel,newlabel,target[,[<new-unit-of-mesure>],[min],[max]] Common examples: =over 4 Convert storage free perfdata into used: --change-perfdata='free,used,invert()' Convert storage free perfdata into used: --change-perfdata='used,free,invert()' Scale traffic values automatically: --change-perfdata='traffic,,scale(auto)' Scale traffic values in Mbps: --change-perfdata='traffic_in,,scale(Mbps),mbps' Change traffic values in percent: --change-perfdata='traffic_in,,percent()' =back |
--extend-perfdata | Change or extend perfdata. Syntax: --extend-perfdata=searchlabel,newlabel,target[,[<new-unit-of-mesure>],[min],[max]] Common examples: =over 4 Convert storage free perfdata into used: --change-perfdata='free,used,invert()' Convert storage free perfdata into used: --change-perfdata='used,free,invert()' Scale traffic values automatically: --change-perfdata='traffic,,scale(auto)' Scale traffic values in Mbps: --change-perfdata='traffic_in,,scale(Mbps),mbps' Change traffic values in percent: --change-perfdata='traffic_in,,percent()' =back |
--extend-perfdata-group | Add new aggregated metrics (min, max, average or sum) for groups of metrics defined by a regex match on the metrics' names. Syntax: --extend-perfdata-group=regex,<names-of-new-metrics>,calculation[,[<new-unit-of-mesure>],[min],[max]] regex: regular expression <names-of-new-metrics>: how the new metrics' names are composed (can use $1, $2... for groups defined by () in regex). calculation: how the values of the new metrics should be calculated <new-unit-of-mesure> (optional): unit of measure for the new metrics min (optional): lowest value the metrics can reach max (optional): highest value the metrics can reach Common examples: =over 4 Sum wrong packets from all interfaces (with interface need --units-errors=absolute): --extend-perfdata-group=',packets_wrong,sum(packets_(discard|error)_(in|out))' Sum traffic by interface: --extend-perfdata-group='traffic_in_(.*),traffic_$1,sum(traffic_(in|out)_$1)' =back |
--change-short-output --change-long-output | Modify the short/long output that is returned by the plugin. Syntax: --change-short-output=pattern |
--change-short-output | Modify the short/long output that is returned by the plugin. Syntax: --change-short-output=pattern |
--change-long-output | Modify the short/long output that is returned by the plugin. Syntax: --change-short-output=pattern |
--change-exit | Replace an exit code with one of your choice. Example: adding --change-exit=unknown=critical will result in a CRITICAL state instead of an UNKNOWN state. |
--change-output-adv | Replace short output and exit code based on a "if" condition using the following variables: short_output, exit_code. Variables must be written either %{variable} or %(variable). Example: adding --change-output-adv='%(short_ouput) =~ /UNKNOWN: No daemon/,OK: No daemon,OK' will change the following specific UNKNOWN result to an OK result. |
--range-perfdata | Rewrite the ranges displayed in the perfdata. Accepted values: 0: nothing is changed. 1: if the lower value of the range is equal to 0, it is removed. 2: remove the thresholds from the perfdata. |
--filter-uom | Mask the units when they don't match the given regular expression. |
--opt-exit | Replace the exit code in case of an execution error (i.e. wrong option provided, SSH connection refused, timeout, etc). Default: unknown. |
--output-ignore-perfdata | Remove all the metrics from the service. The service will still have a status and an output. |
--output-ignore-label | Remove the status label ("OK:", "WARNING:", "UNKNOWN:", CRITICAL:") from the beginning of the output. Example: 'OK: Ram Total:...' will become 'Ram Total:...' |
--output-xml | Return the output in XML format (to send to an XML API). |
--output-json | Return the output in JSON format (to send to a JSON API). |
--output-openmetrics | Return the output in OpenMetrics format (to send to a tool expecting this format). |
--output-file | Write output in file (can be combined with JSON, XML and OpenMetrics options). Example: --output-file=/tmp/output.txt will write the output in /tmp/output.txt. |
--disco-format | Applies only to modes beginning with 'list-'. Returns the list of available macros to configure a service discovery rule (formatted in XML). |
--disco-show | Applies only to modes beginning with 'list-'. Returns the list of discovered objects (formatted in XML) for service discovery. |
--float-precision | Define the float precision for thresholds (default: 8). |
--source-encoding | Define the character encoding of the response sent by the monitored resource Default: 'UTF-8'. =head1 DESCRIPTION B<output>. =cut |
Modes options​
All available options for each service template are listed below:
- Alerts
- Cleaning
- Filesystems
- Hardware-Battery
- Hardware-Disk
- Hardware-Fan
- Hardware-Global
- Hardware-Psu*
- Temperature
- Interfaces
- Mtrees
- Process
- Replications
Option | Description |
--filter-counters | Only display some counters (regexp can be used). Example to check SSL connections only : --filter-counters='^xxxx|yyyy$' |
--display-alerts | Display alerts in verbose output. |
--truly-alert | Expression to define an actual alert (default: '%{severity} =~ /emergency|alert|warning|critical/i'). |
--warning-* --critical-* | Thresholds. Can be: 'alerts-current'. |
Option | Description |
--filter-counters | Only display some counters (regexp can be used). Example to check SSL connections only : --filter-counters='^xxxx|yyyy$' |
--unit | Select the time unit for thresholds. May be 's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours, 'd' for days, 'w' for weeks (default: 'd'). |
--timezone | Set equipment timezone if different from Europe/London. Valid time zones can be found in C</usr/share/zoneinfo>. Format example : Europe/Paris and America/Los_Angeles |
--warning-* --critical-* | Thresholds. Can be: 'last-cleaning-execution'. |
Option | Description |
--filter-counters | Only display some counters (regexp can be used). Example to check SSL connections only : --filter-counters='^xxxx|yyyy$' |
--filter-fs-name | Check filesystems by name. |
--warning-* --critical-* | Thresholds. Can be: 'fs-detected', 'space-usage, 'space-usage-free', 'space-usage-prct', 'space-precompression-usage', 'space-cleanable'. |
Option | Description |
--component | Which component to check (default: '.*'). Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery'. |
--filter | Exclude the items given as a comma-separated list (example: --filter=fan --filter=psu). You can also exclude items from specific instances: --filter=psu,3.3 |
--absent-problem | Return an error if an entity is not 'present' (default is skipping) Can be specific or global: --absent-problem=psu,1 |
--no-component | Define the expected status if no components are found (default: critical). |
--threshold-overload | Use this option to override the status returned by the plugin when the status label matches a regular expression (syntax: section,[instance,]status,regexp). Example: --threshold-overload='fan,CRITICAL,^(?!(ok)$)' |
--warning | Set warning threshold for temperatures (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --warning='temperature,.*,20' |
--critical | Set critical threshold for temperatures and battery charge (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --critical='temperature,1.1,25' --critical='battery,.*,20:' |
--warning-count-* | Define the warning threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
--critical-count-* | Define the critical threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
Option | Description |
--component | Which component to check (default: '.*'). Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery'. |
--filter | Exclude the items given as a comma-separated list (example: --filter=fan --filter=psu). You can also exclude items from specific instances: --filter=psu,3.3 |
--absent-problem | Return an error if an entity is not 'present' (default is skipping) Can be specific or global: --absent-problem=psu,1 |
--no-component | Define the expected status if no components are found (default: critical). |
--threshold-overload | Use this option to override the status returned by the plugin when the status label matches a regular expression (syntax: section,[instance,]status,regexp). Example: --threshold-overload='fan,CRITICAL,^(?!(ok)$)' |
--warning | Set warning threshold for temperatures (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --warning='temperature,.*,20' |
--critical | Set critical threshold for temperatures and battery charge (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --critical='temperature,1.1,25' --critical='battery,.*,20:' |
--warning-count-* | Define the warning threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
--critical-count-* | Define the critical threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
Option | Description |
--component | Which component to check (default: '.*'). Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery'. |
--filter | Exclude the items given as a comma-separated list (example: --filter=fan --filter=psu). You can also exclude items from specific instances: --filter=psu,3.3 |
--absent-problem | Return an error if an entity is not 'present' (default is skipping) Can be specific or global: --absent-problem=psu,1 |
--no-component | Define the expected status if no components are found (default: critical). |
--threshold-overload | Use this option to override the status returned by the plugin when the status label matches a regular expression (syntax: section,[instance,]status,regexp). Example: --threshold-overload='fan,CRITICAL,^(?!(ok)$)' |
--warning | Set warning threshold for temperatures (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --warning='temperature,.*,20' |
--critical | Set critical threshold for temperatures and battery charge (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --critical='temperature,1.1,25' --critical='battery,.*,20:' |
--warning-count-* | Define the warning threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
--critical-count-* | Define the critical threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
Option | Description |
--component | Which component to check (default: '.*'). Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery'. |
--filter | Exclude the items given as a comma-separated list (example: --filter=fan --filter=psu). You can also exclude items from specific instances: --filter=psu,3.3 |
--absent-problem | Return an error if an entity is not 'present' (default is skipping) Can be specific or global: --absent-problem=psu,1 |
--no-component | Define the expected status if no components are found (default: critical). |
--threshold-overload | Use this option to override the status returned by the plugin when the status label matches a regular expression (syntax: section,[instance,]status,regexp). Example: --threshold-overload='fan,CRITICAL,^(?!(ok)$)' |
--warning | Set warning threshold for temperatures (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --warning='temperature,.*,20' |
--critical | Set critical threshold for temperatures and battery charge (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --critical='temperature,1.1,25' --critical='battery,.*,20:' |
--warning-count-* | Define the warning threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
--critical-count-* | Define the critical threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
Option | Description |
--component | Which component to check (default: '.*'). Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery'. |
--filter | Exclude the items given as a comma-separated list (example: --filter=fan --filter=psu). You can also exclude items from specific instances: --filter=psu,3.3 |
--absent-problem | Return an error if an entity is not 'present' (default is skipping) Can be specific or global: --absent-problem=psu,1 |
--no-component | Define the expected status if no components are found (default: critical). |
--threshold-overload | Use this option to override the status returned by the plugin when the status label matches a regular expression (syntax: section,[instance,]status,regexp). Example: --threshold-overload='fan,CRITICAL,^(?!(ok)$)' |
--warning | Set warning threshold for temperatures (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --warning='temperature,.*,20' |
--critical | Set critical threshold for temperatures and battery charge (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --critical='temperature,1.1,25' --critical='battery,.*,20:' |
--warning-count-* | Define the warning threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
--critical-count-* | Define the critical threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
Option | Description |
--component | Which component to check (default: '.*'). Can be: 'psu', 'fan', 'disk', 'temperature', 'battery'. |
--filter | Exclude the items given as a comma-separated list (example: --filter=fan --filter=psu). You can also exclude items from specific instances: --filter=psu,3.3 |
--absent-problem | Return an error if an entity is not 'present' (default is skipping) Can be specific or global: --absent-problem=psu,1 |
--no-component | Define the expected status if no components are found (default: critical). |
--threshold-overload | Use this option to override the status returned by the plugin when the status label matches a regular expression (syntax: section,[instance,]status,regexp). Example: --threshold-overload='fan,CRITICAL,^(?!(ok)$)' |
--warning | Set warning threshold for temperatures (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --warning='temperature,.*,20' |
--critical | Set critical threshold for temperatures and battery charge (syntax: type,regexp,threshold) Example: --critical='temperature,1.1,25' --critical='battery,.*,20:' |
--warning-count-* | Define the warning threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
--critical-count-* | Define the critical threshold for the number of components of one type (replace '*' with the component type). |
Option | Description |
--filter-counters | Only display some counters (regexp can be used). Example to check SSL connections only : --filter-counters='^xxxx|yyyy$' |
--add-global | Check global port statistics (by default if no --add-* option is set). |
--add-status | Check interface status. |
--add-duplex-status | Check duplex status (with --warning-status and --critical-status). |
--add-traffic | Check interface traffic. |
--add-errors | Check interface errors. |
--add-cast | Check interface cast. |
--add-speed | Check interface speed. |
--add-volume | Check interface data volume between two checks (not supposed to be graphed, useful for BI reporting). |
--check-metrics | If the expression is true, metrics are checked (default: '%{opstatus} eq "up"'). |
--warning-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{admstatus}, %{opstatus}, %{duplexstatus}, %{display} |
--critical-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL (default: '%{admstatus} eq "up" and %{opstatus} ne "up"'). You can use the following variables: %{admstatus}, %{opstatus}, %{duplexstatus}, %{display} |
--warning-* --critical-* | Thresholds. Can be: 'total-port', 'total-admin-up', 'total-admin-down', 'total-oper-up', 'total-oper-down', 'in-traffic', 'out-traffic', 'in-error', 'in-discard', 'out-error', 'out-discard', 'in-ucast', 'in-bcast', 'in-mcast', 'out-ucast', 'out-bcast', 'out-mcast', 'speed' (b/s). |
--units-traffic | Units of thresholds for the traffic (default: 'percent_delta') ('percent_delta', 'bps', 'counter'). |
--units-errors | Units of thresholds for errors/discards (default: 'percent_delta') ('percent_delta', 'percent', 'delta', 'deltaps', 'counter'). |
--units-cast | Units of thresholds for communication types (default: 'percent_delta') ('percent_delta', 'percent', 'delta', 'deltaps', 'counter'). |
--nagvis-perfdata | Display traffic perfdata to be compatible with nagvis widget. |
--interface | Set the interface (number expected) example: 1,2,... (empty means 'check all interfaces'). |
--name | Allows you to define the interface (in option --interface) by name instead of OID index. The name matching mode supports regular expressions. |
--regex-id | With this option, interface IDs will be filtered using the --interface parameter as a regular expression instead of a list of IDs. |
--speed | Set interface speed for incoming/outgoing traffic (in Mb). |
--speed-in | Set interface speed for incoming traffic (in Mb). |
--speed-out | Set interface speed for outgoing traffic (in Mb). |
--map-speed-dsl | Get interface speed configuration for interface type 'adsl' and 'vdsl2'. Syntax: --map-speed-dsl=interface-src-name,interface-dsl-name E.g: --map-speed-dsl=Et0.835,Et0-vdsl2 |
--force-counters64 | Force to use 64 bits counters only. Can be used to improve performance. |
--force-counters32 | Force to use 32 bits counters (even in snmp v2c and v3). Should be used when 64 bits counters are buggy. |
--reload-cache-time | Time in minutes before reloading cache file (default: 180). |
--oid-filter | Define the OID to be used to filter interfaces (default: ifName) (values: ifDesc, ifAlias, ifName, IpAddr). |
--oid-display | Define the OID that will be used to name the interfaces (default: ifName) (values: ifDesc, ifAlias, ifName, IpAddr). |
--oid-extra-display | Add an OID to display. |
--display-transform-src --display-transform-dst | Modify the interface name displayed by using a regular expression. Example: adding --display-transform-src='eth' --display-transform-dst='ens' will replace all occurrences of 'eth' with 'ens' |
--show-cache | Display cache interface data. |
--memcached | Memcached server to use (only one server). |
--redis-server | Redis server to use (only one server). Syntax: address[:port] |
--redis-attribute | Set Redis Options (--redis-attribute="cnx_timeout=5"). |
--redis-db | Set Redis database index. |
--failback-file | Fall back on a local file if Redis connection fails. |
--memexpiration | Time to keep data in seconds (default: 86400). |
--statefile-dir | Define the cache directory (default: '/var/lib/centreon/centplugins'). |
--statefile-suffix | Define a suffix to customize the statefile name (default: ''). |
--statefile-concat-cwd | If used with the '--statefile-dir' option, the latter's value will be used as a sub-directory of the current working directory. Useful on Windows when the plugin is compiled, as the file system and permissions are different from Linux. |
--statefile-format | Define the format used to store the cache. Available formats: 'dumper', 'storable', 'json' (default). |
--statefile-key | Define the key to encrypt/decrypt the cache. |
--statefile-cipher | Define the cipher algorithm to encrypt the cache (default: 'AES'). |
Option | Description |
--filter-counters | Only display some counters (regexp can be used). Example: --filter-counters='status' |
--filter-mtree-name | Check MTress by name. |
--unknown-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be UNKNOWN. You can use the following variables: %{state}, %{status}, %{source}, %{destination}, %{type} |
--warning-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{status}, %{name} |
--critical-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL. You can use the following variables: %{status}, %{name} |
--warning-* --critical-* | Thresholds. Can be: 'mtrees-detected', 'space-precompression-usage'. |
Option | Description |
--filter-counters | Only display some counters (regexp can be used). Example to check SSL connections only : --filter-counters='^xxxx|yyyy$' |
--unknown-cifs-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be UNKNOWN. You can use the following variables: %{cifsStatus} |
--warning-cifs-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{cifsStatus} |
--critical-cifs-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL (default: '%{cifsStatus} =~ /enabledNotRunning/'). You can use the following variables: %{cifsStatus} |
--unknown-ddboost-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be UNKNOWN. You can use the following variables: %{ddboostStatus} |
--warning-ddboost-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{ddboostStatus} |
--critical-ddboost-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL. You can use the following variables: %{ddboostStatus} |
--unknown-nfs-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be UNKNOWN. You can use the following variables: %{nfsStatus} |
--warning-nfs-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{nfsStatus} |
--critical-nfs-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL. You can use the following variables: %{nfsStatus} |
--unknown-vtl-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be UNKNOWN. You can use the following variables: %{vtlAdminState}, %{vtlProcessState} |
--warning-vtl-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{vtlAdminState}, %{vtlProcessState} |
--critical-vtl-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL (default: '%{vtlAdminState} =~ /failed/'). You can use the following variables: %{vtlAdminState}, %{vtlProcessState} |
Option | Description |
--filter-counters | Only display some counters (regexp can be used). Example: --filter-counters='^status$' |
--filter-repl-index | Check replications by index. |
--filter-repl-source | Check replications by source. |
--filter-repl-destination | Check replications by destination. |
--custom-perfdata-instances | Customize the name composition rule for the instances the metrics will be attached to (default: '%(type) %(source) %(destination)'). You can use the following variables: %(type) %(source) %(destination) |
--unit | Select the time unit for thresholds. May be 's' for seconds, 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours, 'd' for days, 'w' for weeks (default: 'd'). |
--unknown-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be UNKNOWN. You can use the following variables: %{state}, %{status}, %{source}, %{destination}, %{type} |
--warning-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING (default: '%{state} =~ /initializing|recovering/i'). You can use the following variables: %{state}, %{status}, %{source}, %{destination}, %{type} |
--critical-status | Define the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL (default: '%{state} =~ /disabledNeedsResync|uninitialized/i'). You can use the following variables: %{state}, %{status}, %{source}, %{destination}, %{type} |
--warning-* --critical-* | Thresholds. Can be: 'repl-detected', 'precompression-data-remaining', 'last-insync-time'. |
All available options for a given mode can be displayed by adding the
parameter to the command:
/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/centreon_emc_datadomain.pl \
--plugin=storage::emc::datadomain::snmp::plugin \
--mode=mtrees \