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Microsoft Active Directory NSClient++ API

Pack assets​


The Monitoring Connector Active Directory API brings a host template:

  • Infra-ActiveDirectory-NSClient-05-Restapi-custom

The connector brings the following service templates (sorted by the host template they are attached to):

Service AliasService TemplateService Description
Ad-Domain-ControllerInfra-ActiveDirectory-Domain-Controller-NSClient05-Restapi-customThis check runs diagnostics on the domain controller. It executes the "dcdiag" command

The services listed above are created automatically when the Infra-ActiveDirectory-NSClient-05-Restapi-custom host template is used.

Collected metrics & status​

Here is the list of services for this connector, detailing all metrics linked to each service.

Metric nameUnit
domain controller statusN/A


Centreon NSClient++​

To monitor a resource through NSClient++ API, install the Centreon packaged version of the NSClient++ agent. Please follow our official documentation and make sure that the Webserver / RESTApi configuration is correct.

Installing the monitoring connector​


The installation procedures for monitoring connectors are slightly different depending on whether your license is offline or online.

  1. If the platform uses an online license, you can skip the package installation instruction below as it is not required to have the connector displayed within the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager menu. If the platform uses an offline license, install the package on the central server with the command corresponding to the operating system's package manager:
dnf install centreon-pack-infrastructure-active-directory-nsclient-05-restapi
  1. Whatever the license type (online or offline), install the Active Directory API connector through the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager menu.


Use the commands below according to your operating system's package manager:

dnf install centreon-plugin-Operatingsystems-Windows-Restapi

Using the monitoring connector​

Using a host template provided by the connector​

  1. Log into Centreon and add a new host through Configuration > Hosts.
  2. Fill in the Name, Alias & IP Address/DNS fields according to your resource's settings.
  3. Apply the Infra-ActiveDirectory-NSClient-05-Restapi-custom template to the host. A list of macros appears. Macros allow you to define how the connector will connect to the resource, and to customize the connector's behavior.
  4. Fill in the macros you want. Some macros are mandatory.
MacroDescriptionDefault valueMandatory
NSCPRESTAPILEGACYPASSWORDPassword used (configured in the prerequisites section)PASSWORD
NSCPRESTAPIPROTOProtocol usedhttps
NSCPRESTAPIPORTPort used by the REST API NSClient++8443
NSCPRESTAPIEXTRAOPTIONSAny extra option you may want to add to every command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here.
  1. Deploy the configuration. The host appears in the list of hosts, and on the Resources Status page. The command that is sent by the connector is displayed in the details panel of the host: it shows the values of the macros.

Using a service template provided by the connector​

  1. If you have used a host template and checked Create Services linked to the Template too, the services linked to the template have been created automatically, using the corresponding service templates. Otherwise, create manually the services you want and apply a service template to them.
  2. Fill in the macros you want (e.g. to change the thresholds for the alerts). Some macros are mandatory (see the table below).
MacroDescriptionDefault valueMandatory
LANGUAGESet the language used in config fileen
CONFIGFILEThe command can be localized by using a configuration file. This parameter can be used to specify an alternative location for the configuration file.
EXTRAOPTIONSAny extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). Toutes les options sont listées ici.
  1. Deploy the configuration. The service appears in the list of services, and on the Resources Status page. The command that is sent by the connector is displayed in the details panel of the service: it shows the values of the macros.

How to check in the CLI that the configuration is OK and what are the main options for?​

Once the plugin is installed, log into your Centreon poller's CLI using the centreon-engine user account (su - centreon-engine). Test that the connector is able to monitor a resource using a command like this one (replace the sample values by yours):

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ \
--plugin=apps::nsclient::restapi::plugin \
--mode=query \
--hostname='' \
--port='8443' \
--proto='https' \
--legacy-password='PASSWORD' \
--command=check_centreon_plugins \
--arg='apps::microsoft::activedirectory::local::plugin' \
--arg='dfsr-backlog' \
--arg=' \
--sending-member="" \
--replication-group="" \
--replicated-folder="" \
--warning-backlog="" \
--critical-backlog="" '

The expected command output is shown below:

OK: Backlog File Count : 87 | 'backlog.file.count'=87;;;0;


Please find the troubleshooting documentation for the API-based plugins in this chapter.

Available modes​

In most cases, a mode corresponds to a service template. The mode appears in the execution command for the connector. In the Centreon interface, you don't need to specify a mode explicitly: its use is implied when you apply a service template. However, you will need to specify the correct mode for the template if you want to test the execution command for the connector in your terminal.

All available modes can be displayed by adding the --list-mode parameter to the command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ \
--plugin=apps::nsclient::restapi::plugin \

The plugin brings the following modes:

ModeLinked service template
dcdiag [code]Infra-ActiveDirectory-Domain-Controller-NSClient05-Restapi-custom
dfsr-backlog [code]Infra-ActiveDirectory-Dfsr-Backlog-NSClient05-Restapi-custom
netdom [code]Not used in this Monitoring Connector

Available options​

Generic options​

All generic options are listed here:

--modeDefine the mode in which you want the plugin to be executed (see--list-mode).
--dyn-modeSpecify a mode with the module's path (advanced).
--list-modeList all available modes.
--mode-versionCheck minimal version of mode. If not, unknown error.
--versionReturn the version of the plugin.
--pass-managerDefine the password manager you want to use. Supported managers are: environment, file, keepass, hashicorpvault and teampass.

Modes options​

All available options for each service template are listed below:

--configThe command can be localized by using a configuration file. This parameter can be used to specify an alternative location for the configuration file.
--languageSet the language used in config file (default: 'en').
--dfsrSpecifies that SysVol replication uses DFS instead of FRS (Windows 2008 or later)
--noeventlogDon't run the dc tests kccevent, frsevent and dfsrevent.
--nomachineaccountDon't run the dc tests machineaccount.
--timeoutSet timeout time for command execution (default: 30 sec).

All available options for a given mode can be displayed by adding the --help parameter to the command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ \
--plugin=apps::nsclient::restapi::plugin \
--mode=query \