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Atrica Routeur

Connector dependencies​

The following monitoring connectors will be installed when you install the Atrica Routeur connector through the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager menu:

Pack assets​


The Monitoring Connector Atrica Routeur brings a host template:

  • Net-Atrica-SNMP-custom

The connector brings the following service templates (sorted by the host template they are attached to):

No service template linked to this host template.

Discovery rules​

Host discovery​

Rule nameDescription
SNMP AgentsDiscover your resources through an SNMP subnet scan. You need to install the Generic SNMP connector to get the discovery rule and create a template mapper for the Net-Atrica-SNMP-custom host template.

More information about discovering hosts automatically is available on the dedicated page.

Service discovery​

Rule nameDescription
Net-Atrica-SNMP-Conection-NameDiscover network interfaces and monitor bandwidth utilization

More information about discovering services automatically is available on the dedicated page and in the following chapter.

Collected metrics & status​

Here is the list of services for this connector, detailing all metrics and statuses linked to each service.

Metric nameUnit

Applies to the following service templates: Connections-Generic-Id, Connections-Generic-Name, Connections-Global


SNMP Configuration​

The SNMP agent must be configured and activated on the host. Please refer to the official documentation from the manufacturer/publisher.

Network flow​

The target resource must be reachable from the Centreon poller on the UDP/161 SNMP port.

Installing the monitoring connector​


The installation procedures for monitoring connectors are slightly different depending on whether your license is offline or online.

  1. If the platform uses an online license, you can skip the package installation instruction below as it is not required to have the connector displayed within the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager menu. If the platform uses an offline license, install the package on the central server with the command corresponding to the operating system's package manager:
dnf install centreon-pack-network-routers-atrica-snmp
  1. Whatever the license type (online or offline), install the Atrica Routeur connector through the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager menu.


Since Centreon 22.04, you can benefit from the 'Automatic plugin installation' feature. When this feature is enabled, you can skip the installation part below.

You still have to manually install the plugin on the poller(s) when:

  • Automatic plugin installation is turned off
  • You want to run a discovery job from a poller that doesn't monitor any resource of this kind yet

More information in the Installing the plugin section.

Use the commands below according to your operating system's package manager:

dnf install centreon-plugin-Network-Routers-Atrica-Snmp

Using the monitoring connector​

Using a host template provided by the connector​

  1. Log into Centreon and add a new host through Configuration > Hosts.
  2. Fill in the Name, Alias & IP Address/DNS fields according to your resource's settings.
  3. Apply the Net-Atrica-SNMP-custom template to the host.

When using SNMP v3, use the SNMPEXTRAOPTIONS macro to add specific authentication parameters. More information in the Troubleshooting SNMP section.

Using a service template provided by the connector​

  1. If you have used a host template and checked Create Services linked to the Template too, the services linked to the template have been created automatically, using the corresponding service templates. Otherwise, create manually the services you want and apply a service template to them.
  2. Fill in the macros you want (e.g. to change the thresholds for the alerts). Some macros are mandatory (see the table below).
MacroDescriptionDefault valueMandatory
INTERFACEIDSet the interface (number expected) example: 1,2,... (empty means 'check all interfaces')
OIDDISPLAYDefine the OID that will be used to name the interfaces (values: atrConnIngDescr, atrConnCepGenDescr)atrConnCepGenDescr
OIDFILTERDefine the OID to be used to filter interfaces (values: atrConnIngDescr, atrConnCepGenDescr)atrConnCepGenDescr
SPEEDSet interface speed for incoming/outgoing traffic (in Mb)
EXTRAOPTIONSAny extra option you may want to add to the command (a --verbose flag for example). All options are listed here.
  1. Deploy the configuration. The service appears in the list of services, and on the Resources Status page. The command that is sent by the connector is displayed in the details panel of the service: it shows the values of the macros.

How to check in the CLI that the configuration is OK and what are the main options for?​

Once the plugin is installed, log into your Centreon poller's CLI using the centreon-engine user account (su - centreon-engine). Test that the connector is able to monitor a resource using a command like this one (replace the sample values by yours):

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ \
--plugin=network::atrica::snmp::plugin \
--mode=connections \
--hostname= \
--snmp-version='2c' \
--snmp-community='my-snmp-community' \
--interface='.+' \
--name \
--add-status \
--add-traffic \
--add-errors \
--critical-status='' \
--warning-in-cir='' \
--critical-in-cir='' \
--warning-out-cir='' \
--critical-out-cir='' \
--warning-in-eir='' \
--critical-in-eir='' \
--warning-out-eir='' \
--critical-out-eir='' \
--warning-in-eir-discard='' \
--critical-in-eir-discard='' \
--warning-out-eir-discard='' \
--critical-out-eir-discard='' \
--speed='' \
--oid-filter='atrConnCepGenDescr' \
--oid-display='atrConnCepGenDescr' \

The expected command output is shown below:

OK: All interfaces are ok | '*interface_name*#status'='up';;;;'*interface_name*'=20b/s;;;;'*interface_name*#interface.traffic.out.bitspersecond'=20b/s;;;;'*interface_name*'=10%;;;;100'*interface_name*'=25%;;;;100'*interface_name*#interface.packets.out.discard.percentage'=12%;;;;100'*interface_name*#interface.packets.out.error.percentage'=30%;;;;100


Please find the troubleshooting documentation for Centreon Plugins typical issues.

Available modes​

In most cases, a mode corresponds to a service template. The mode appears in the execution command for the connector. In the Centreon interface, you don't need to specify a mode explicitly: its use is implied when you apply a service template. However, you will need to specify the correct mode for the template if you want to test the execution command for the connector in your terminal.

All available modes can be displayed by adding the --list-mode parameter to the command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ \
--plugin=network::atrica::snmp::plugin \

The plugin brings the following modes:

ModeLinked service template
connections [code]Net-Atrica-Connections-Generic-Id-SNMP-custom
list-connections [code]Used for service discovery

Available options​

Modes options​

All available options for each service template are listed below:

--add-statusCheck interface status (by default if no --add-* option is set).
--add-trafficCheck interface traffic.
--add-errorsCheck interface errors.
--check-metricsIf the expression is true, metrics are checked (default: '%{opstatus} eq "up" or %{opstatus} eq "inService"').
--warning-statusDefine the conditions to match for the status to be WARNING. You can use the following variables: %{admstatus}, %{opstatus}, %{display}
--critical-statusDefine the conditions to match for the status to be CRITICAL. Default (depends of the atrica release): '%{admstatus} eq "on" and %{opstatus} ne "inService"' '%{admstatus} eq "up" and %{opstatus} ne "up"' You can use the following variables: %{admstatus}, %{opstatus}, %{display}
--warning-* --critical-*Thresholds. Can be: 'in-cir', 'in-eir', 'out-cir', 'out-eir', 'in-eir-discard', 'out-eir-discard'.
--units-trafficUnits of thresholds for the traffic (default: 'percent_delta') ('percent_delta', 'bps', 'counter').
--units-errorsUnits of thresholds for errors/discards (default: 'percent_delta') ('percent_delta', 'percent', 'delta', 'deltaps', 'counter').
--interfaceSet the interface (number expected) example: 1,2,... (empty means 'check all interfaces').
--nameAllows you to define the interface (in option --interface) byname instead of OID index. The name matching mode supports regular expressions.
--speedSet interface speed for incoming/outgoing traffic (in Mb).
--speed-inSet interface speed for incoming traffic (in Mb).
--speed-outSet interface speed for outgoing traffic (in Mb).
--reload-cache-timeTime in seconds before reloading cache file (default: 180).
--oid-filterDefine the OID to be used to filter interfaces (default: atrConnCepGenDescr) (values: atrConnIngDescr, atrConnCepGenDescr).
--oid-displayDefine the OID that will be used to name the interfaces (default: atrConnCepGenDescr) (values: atrConnIngDescr, atrConnCepGenDescr).
--oid-extra-displayAdd an OID to display.
--display-transform-src --display-transform-dstModify the interface name displayed by using a regular expression. Example: adding --display-transform-src='eth' --display-transform-dst='ens' will replace all occurrences of 'eth' with 'ens'
--show-cacheDisplay cache interface data.

All available options for a given mode can be displayed by adding the --help parameter to the command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins/ \
--plugin=network::atrica::snmp::plugin \
--mode=connections \