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Version: 22.10

Centreon Open Source


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Il est important de mettre à jour en utilisant la documentation adéquate de mise à jour et de lire attentivement les notes de mise à jour afin d'être au courant des changements qui pourraient impacter votre usage ou votre plateforme ou des développements spécifiques que vous auriez fait.

Pour faire des demandes d'évolutions ou reporter des bugs sur les extensions commerciales, vous pouvez vous rendre sur notre Github.

Retrouvez plus de détails sur la version 22.10 dans notre post de blog.

Centreon Web


Release date: September 27, 2024

Bug fixes

  • [Packaging]: Fixed centreon-web broken dependency on httpd24.


Release date: September 11, 2024

Security fixes

  • [Authorization] Fixed an issue on ACL reloading.
  • [Security] Fixed SQLi in contacts form (CVE-2024-39843).
  • [Security] Updated jQuery & jQuery-UI dependencies (CVE-2022-31160).


Release date: June 26, 2024

Bug fixes

  • [Configuration] Fixed mass change on services.
  • [Unattended] The unattended script now works on Oracle Linux distributions.
  • [Unattended] Fixed default version used by the script.

Security fixes

  • [Security] Fixed several SQLi issues.


Release date: May 16, 2024

Bug fixes

  • [API] Fixed an issue affecting downtimes on services linked to a service group via a service template.
  • [Configuration] Fixed an issue where the Service Categories configuration page could appear blank.

Security fixes

  • [Security] Fixed several SQLi issues.


Release date: Avril 10, 2024

Bug fixes

  • [API V1] Fixed an issue that occurred when filtering Resources Status by criticality.

Security fixes

  • [Security] Upgraded axios dependency.


Release date: March 13, 2024

Bug fixes

  • [Authentication] Fixed issue with SSO authentication.
  • [CLAPI] Fixed a decoding issue affecting the export of HTML entities.
  • [Install] A unified script is now available for version 22.10.

Security fixes

  • [Security] Improved allowed commands for Centreon Gorgone.


Release date: February 14, 2024

Bug fixes

  • [CLAPI] Removed password expiration policy for LDAP authentication.

Security fixes

  • [API] Fixed a visibility issue on configuration/users endpoint.


Release date: January 11, 2024

Security fixes

  • [Security] Fixed an SQLi vulnerability.


Release date: January 2, 2024

Security fixes

  • [Security] Fixed an SQLi vulnerability (CVE-2024-0637, CVE-2024-23115, CVE-2024-23116, CVE-2024-23117, CVE-2024-23118, CVE-2024-23119).


Release date: December 15, 2023

Bug fixes

  • [Discovery] Fixed duplication of host groups in discovery job mappers.

Security fixes

  • [Security] Updated symfony/http-kernel dependency.
  • [Security] Prevented a command injection.


Release date: November 17, 2023


  • [API] Added the possibility to search for a service in hostGroups/serviceGroups endpoints.

Bug fixes

  • [UX] Fixed an issue where an incorrect day was displayed in the calendar component.
  • [UI] Renamed "massive change" to "mass change" in the "More actions" selection box.
  • [Recurrent Downtimes] Fixed an issue that occurred when a downtime period contained a service group and this service group was linked to a service template.
  • [Ressources Status] Fixed an issue that occurred when using an h.alias filter on the list of resources.
  • [Packaging] Fixed an issue where centreontrapd was configured for a poller rather than for a central on Debian.

Security fixes

  • [Security] Fixed SQLi in a method.
  • Fixed potential vulnerability in the list of discovered hosts (CVE-2023-51633).


Release date: October 4, 2023

Bug fixes

  • [Authentication] Fixed an LDAP connection issue due to DN case.
  • [Configuration] Fixed the visibility of services when a user with ACLs duplicates a host.
  • [Monitoring] Fixed CSV export when metric name is a SQL keyword.


Release date: September 22, 2023

Bug fixes

  • [CLAPI] Fixed the addhosttemplate function that was removing other relationships.
  • [CLAPI] Fixed a PHP warning that was displayed when using getparam on a service.
  • [Configuration] Fixed custom macro inheritance for hosts.
  • [Core] Updated svg-sanitize dependency.
  • [Resources Status] Fixed filters on hostgroups and categories that weren't returning hosts.
  • [Security] Fixed SLQi in centreonLogAction.class.php.


Release date: August 29, 2023


  • [Core] Updated the database schema for resources table.
  • [Tools] Added a script to delete duplicate entries in the host_service_relations table.

Bug fixes

  • [API] Removed the author_id parameter from downtime endpoint to use authenticated user as author.
  • [Graphs] Fixed the display of graphs layout when there is no data.
  • [Packaging] Added missing PHP files to Debian packaging.
  • [Packaging] Fixed an issue with incorrect rrdtool.log ownership that prevented graphs from being displayed on Debian.


Release date: July 28, 2023


  • [UX] Improved tooltip description in Centreon Engine configuration form for Service Check Timeout option.

Bug fixes

  • [Administration] Fixed pagination in Data menu.
  • [Install] Updated size of metric_name column to 1021.
  • [Monitoring] Fixed data insertion where metric names were too long.
  • [ResourcesStatus] Fixed CSV export when metric name contained SQL keyword.


Release date: July 11, 2023


  • [CEIP] Improved the retrieval of Operating System name and version.
  • [Configuration] Improved the icon size to adapt to resources.

Bug fixes

  • [ACL] Fixed an issue when a recurrent downtime is edited by a user under ACL.
  • [Authentication] Fixed an issue in the groups mapping management with OpenID Connect.
  • [Authentication] Fixed the user's logout when the refresh token has expired for OIDC sessions.
  • [Backup] Fixed partial backup that was not working in AlmaLinux 8 and Debian 11.
  • [Configuration] Fixed the deletion of images when importing a configuration on a Remote Server with MAP installed.
  • [Configuration] Fixed deletion/activation/deactivation/duplication of a contact when made with a French profile.
  • [ResourcesStatus] Fixed CSV export when metric name contains SQL keyword.
  • [ResourcesStatus] Fixed the search in filter that was not working.
  • [ResourcesStatus] Fixed an issue on filter combination in Resources Status.
  • [UI] Fixed the column name display in the acknowledgment description pop-up.
  • [UX] Fixed a space issue between buttons.


Release date: June 19, 2023

Security fix

  • [Security] Fixed the base URI change detection mechanism.


Release date: June 5, 2023


  • [Administration] Added a button to unblock users through the user interface (for local authentication).
  • [Authentication] Added the possibility to define a redirect URI for OpenID Connect authentication.
  • [Packaging] Improved the default configuration for Debian packages.
  • [UX] Removed UI slowdown when browser has no internet access with CEIP enabled.

Bug fixes

  • [API] Fixed code errors and messages to improve the endpoint of password renewal.
  • [API] Fixed PHP error messages on APIs authentication.
  • [Authentication] Fixed a broken URL issue by removing extra spaces in endpoint definition.
  • [Authentication] Fixed an LDAP authentication issue that made LDAP users in Organisational Unit with special characters unable to authenticate.
  • [Authentication] Made error messages generic to improve security.
  • [Authentication] Removed extra spaces in endpoint definition.
  • [Backup] Fixed errors with distant DBMS in logs.
  • [Configuration] Fixed a bug in trap relations with services by host groups.
  • [Core] Fixed an issue when accessing the installation wizard for a new installation.
  • [Install] Added missing update scripts.
  • [Install] Fixed an SQL error when installing a new platform using MySQL 8 as DBMS.
  • [Install] Removed a displayed error during an update.
  • [LDAP] Fixed LDAP groups listing in contact groups form.
  • [ResourceStatus] Fixed a filtering issue for hosts in pending state.
  • [ResourceStatus] Fixed an error when opening the detail panel of a resource in downtime.
  • [ResourceStatus] Fixed the filter that was not returning hosts.
  • [Server] Fixed a monitoring issue by updating the user running cron tasks on Debian.
  • [UI] Added CSS in global style files to fix Mbi widget visibility.
  • [UI] Fixed a bug blocking the "Export Configuration" process from the top banner's button when a self-signed certificate was used.
  • [UI] Fixed a bug that prevented non-admin users from selecting Host Groups in some areas of Centreon (e.g. Host Discovery mappers).
  • [UI] Fixed an issue preventing from saving a new filter on Resources Status with the Anomaly-detection type.
  • [UI] Fixed the alignment of the top counter's export button.
  • [UI] Fixed the highlight color of acknowledgement and downtime lines and changed the font color in Resources Status in dark mode.
  • [UI] Fixed the issue when its not possible to save a new filter on resources status with Anomaly-detection type.
  • [UI] Fixed the MBI widget visibility by adding CSS in global style files.
  • [UI] Fixed the refresh icon positioning in Administration > ACL > Reload ACL menu.
  • [UI] Removed the option to change them from User profile.
  • [UI] Unifomized buttons size on legacy pages.


Release date: March 2, 2023

Bug fixes

  • [CLAPI] Fixed an issue not to consider password expiration policy for excluded users.
  • [Configuration] Fixed an issue in the recurrent downtimes form that caused service relations to be lost.
  • [Configuration] Fixed global configuration export button in banner with OIDC authentication.
  • [Configuration] Fixed an issue preventing an escalation from being updated.
  • [Configuration] Fixed an issue preventing a service group from being updated.
  • [Core] Fixed a blank page issue after login.
  • [UI] Fixed an issue where a popup was not displayed in a legacy page with graphs.
  • [UI] Fixed the issue where 99+ was displayed instead of the exact value on the top counter for values under 1000.


  • [Security] Fixed SQLi in Monitoring Servicegroups widget.
  • [Security] Fixed SQLi in legacy monitoring pages.
  • [Security] Fixed XSS vulnerability in a legacy monitoring page.


Release date: February 22, 2023

Bug fixes

  • [Authentication] Added an LDAP connection timeout to avoid infinite connection.
  • [Authentication] Added possibility to use token endpoint to get list of roles and groups for mapping.
  • [Authentication] Fixed an LDAP authentication issue that made LDAP users unable to authenticate in certain conditions.
  • [Authentication] Fixed an issue in the mixed mode to improve Web SSO feature.
  • [Authentication] Fixed a PHP error in IDP response with a string instead of an array for roles list.
  • [AnomalyDetection] Fixed an envelope computation error.
  • [CLAPI] Removed mandatory password for LDAP users creation.
  • [Configuration] Fixed an issue that occurred when a massive change was performed on services right after one of them was disabled, causing all services to get the same host and template.
  • [Configuration] Fixed an installation error when the chrony package is already installed.
  • [Configuration] Fixed export of configuration when Anomaly Detection feature is configured.
  • [Core] Removed deprecated DBMS option in default configuration provided by Centreon.
  • [Core] Replaced an SQL statement to fix a database compatibility limitation in an update script.
  • [Install] Fixed an error indicating that the timezone was not initialized during Debian package installation.
  • [Install] Fixed an SQL error with MySQL 8.
  • [Install] Fixed an app_key error during upgrade.
  • [Install] Fixed a PHP error when using API to perform an upgrade.
  • [Install] Fixed an error which prevented access to the update wizard after packages update.
  • [LDAP] Fixed auto-import of users.
  • [ResourceStatus] Fixed an issue where the date picker displayed duplicated dates, resulting in day shifts.
  • [UI] Fixed an aesthetic issue in Resource Status table header.
  • [UI] Fixed buttons and radio buttons in administration pages.
  • [UI] Fixed an issue with "display last comment" option that caused high loads and caused the interface to become unresponsive.
  • [UX] Fixed an issue that affected the "Pending" status in the top counter filter: when it was selected, the filter was not applied to deprecated pages.


  • [Administration] Added a display of remaining disk free space where images are stored.
  • Optimized queries used to display the services monitoring page.
  • Optimized queries used to display the hosts monitoring page.
  • Optimized queries used to display the services grid monitoring page.


Release date: February 9, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a PHP quote escaping issue that occurred after upgrading to PHP 8.1


Release date: January 10, 2023

Bug fixes

  • [Core] Fixed update scripts that could cause an error during poller configuration export after update from 22.10.2 to 22.10.3


Release date: January 9, 2023


  • [APIv2] Added vault configuration endpoint

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that blocked exporting multiple pollers' configuration at the same time with a shared severity
  • [Authentication] Fixed authentication with complete URL for token endpoint
  • Fixed bug where it's impossible to filter on hosts and/or services in Centreon 22.10.
  • Fixed an ACL bug allowing users to modify users even when they had read-only permissions
  • Acknowledgement/downtimes failed without returning an error when the character case for the resource was wrong
  • Fixed a bug linked to forbidden characters in Engine object names that could strip the '0', '3' and '9' digits from host names
  • Allow users to configure Broker's global maximum retention
  • Fixed an issue that caused months to be missing from the calendar selection
  • Fixed bug with pagination on event log page
  • Fixed recurrent downtime editing issues with disabled objects
  • [Resources Status] Fixed an issue causing ACL action "Display executed command by monitoring engine" to not be applied on the Resources Status page
  • Fixed "view contact notifications" window
  • [API] Fixed API access when user doesn't have access to UI
  • Fixed an issue where the pagination was not displayed in all legacy pages
  • [Install] Fixed app_key error during upgrade

Security fixes

  • [Core] Fixed vulnerabilities in functions.js file
  • [Configuration] Sanitized queries in the list of services by host group
  • [Configuration] Sanitized queries in the list of host categories
  • [Configuration] Sanitized queries in the list of commands
  • [Core] Fixed vulnerabilities in ajaxLdapSearch.js file
  • [Configuration] Sanitized queries in the list of Broker configurations
  • [Core] Fixed vulnerabilities in color_picker.php
  • [Core] Fixed vulnerabilities in pathway.php
  • [Core] Fixed vulnerabilities in color_picker_mb.php
  • [Core] Fixed vulnerabilities in rename.php
  • [Configuration] Fixed vulnerabilities in services listing
  • [Configuration] Fixed vulnerabilities in host form
  • Fixed an issue with how users' roles were retrieved.


Release date: December 7, 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with large SQL queries that caused the Centreon interface to become unavailable
  • [Install] Added missing update scripts


Release date: November 4, 2022

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Resource Status that could cause some resources to be displayed twice.


Release date: October 26, 2022


  • [ACL] ACLs on actions are now updated in real time for connected users
  • [ACL] "Read/Write" menu access ACL regarding Poller configuration has been split into two available actions: "Create and edit" and "Delete"
  • [API] Added an endpoint to perform all web updates
  • [Authentication] Improved authentication via OpenID Connect by adding conditions
  • [Authentication] Improved contact groups management via OpenID Connect:
    • Manual management of relationships between a user and contact groups
    • Automatic management of relationships between a user and contact groups based on values retrieved from the identity provider
  • [Authentication] Improved roles management via OpenID Connect:
    • Manual management of relationships between a user and ACL groups
    • Automatic management of relationships between a user and ACL groups based on identity provider values
  • [Configuration] Improved the default Engine logger options for newly installed central servers and new pollers created with the wizard
  • [Configuration] New Broker input/output stream types available, designed to support the new gRPC stream capability of Broker, but that can also be used for the legacy BBDO over TCP protocol:
    • BBDO Server: configures a server input or output, displaying only relevant fields for this purpose
    • BBDO Client: configures a client input or output, displaying only relevant fields for this purpose
  • [Configuration] Some obsolete parameters have been removed from the Engine configuration menu
  • [Install] Added dependency management between modules during installation, update and deletion
  • [Install] Improved error handling during installation
  • [Install] Removed "Centreon Web Directory" parameter and use Apache configuration instead
  • [UI] Improved Centreon light and dark themes
  • [UI] Relabeled and improved tooltips for some fields in the Hosts, Host Templates, Host Groups, Services and Service Templates configuration forms
  • [UI] Reworked the banner to be more responsive
  • [UI] Reworked the way custom views tabs are managed
  • [UX] Changing themes is now possible by clicking on the profile icon
  • [UX] The quick export button is now available by default for all users that have the admin privilege or the required ACL action access. Deploying a configuration is now simpler for all users.
  • [Resources Status] Added hosts and services categories management (Detail tiles, Listing filter)
  • [Resources Status] Added hosts and services severities management (Logos, level, Detail tiles, Listing filter)
  • [Event logs] Reworked CSV exporter in event logs to manage high volumetry
  • [Resources Status] Introduced CSV export in Timeline and Graphs
  • [Resources Status] Added new Parent Alias column and filter in listing for services
  • [Resources Status] Added cosmetic enhancements to the Timeline UI in Resources Status


  • Move to PHP 8.1
  • The "conf changed" flag in the Poller configuration menu now relies on a faster database query, improving the time to display the page

Breaking changes

The configuration of authorizations via the OpenID Connect protocol has evolved. Automatic addition to a contact group and role management have been improved. It is necessary to review your OpenID Connect configuration.

In the /monitoring/resources API, the ‘severity_level’ api return key has been replaced by a json object called ‘severity’, containing the id, level, name and icon of the severity.

Centreon Collect


Release date: September 16, 2024

Centreon Broker

Bug fixes
  • [Broker] Fixed an issue where Broker could not connect to MySQL 8.0.35.


Release date: June 27, 2024

Centreon Broker

  • [Engine] Added a new centengine parameter (send_recovery_notifications_anyways) to force sending a recovery notification even when the resource is outside of its notification period. This aims at keeping third-party tools up-to-date at any time when they are fed notifications.
  • [Engine] Engine can now handle extra configuration files to complement/overload the centengine.cfg file. This enhancement allows you to keep a custom configuration unchanged when exporting the configuration.


Release date: March 6, 2024

Centreon Broker

  • [Broker] Broker now drops metrics whose names are longer than 1000 characters to avoid errors in the database. An error is logged when it occurs.
Bug fixes
  • [Broker] Fixed conflicts that occurred when adding and/or removing hosts from hostgroups.
  • [Broker] Fixed some incorrect statuses in Broker's statistics retrieved by the broker-stats.json file.
  • [Engine] Semicolons are no longer considered as the beginning of a comment in Engine's configuration files. This is because comments were not useful in these files, and they prevented the use of semicolons in macros (e.g., passwords).
  • [Engine] Removed the unnecessary check of Anomaly Detection configuration files during the configuration test before deployment.
  • [Install] Fixed an issue in the installation process that emptied the retention.dat file, causing the temporary loss of all resources' statuses and the permanent loss of current acknowledgements and downtimes.


Release date: February 14, 2024

Centreon Broker

Bug fixes
  • [Broker] Fixed an issue with the propagation of the statuses for BAM boolean rules.
  • [Broker] Fixed the permissions of the RRD files produced by the rebuild mechanism when RRDcached is used.


Release date: January 11, 2024

Centreon Broker

Bug fixes
  • [Broker] Fixed a bug that made Broker crash when rebuilding RRD files for unexisting metrics.
  • [Broker] Fixed a bug occurring when a Business Activity was updated after a status change for a KPI with a BA type.


Release date: November 20, 2023

Centreon Broker

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a stability issue that could make Broker crash when BAM was enabled and the database was too slow.
  • Events propagation in BAM has been improved and should be faster.


Release date: September 26, 2023

Centreon Broker

Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug that caused RRD graphs to not display properly when the check interval was longer than 15 minutes.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash when many pollers were sending check results to Broker.


Release date: July 26, 2023

Centreon Broker

Bug fixes
  • Boolean rules optimized to work faster.


Release date: July 3, 2023

Centreon Broker

  • Improved the evaluation process of BAM KPIs based on boolean expressions: if an OK result is part of an OR operation, or a CRITICAL result is part of an AND operation, Broker will return the results without waiting for the other members of the operation. BAM trace/debug logs have also been added to boolean rules computations.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed an exception-catching issue that caused Broker to fail inserting resources when the check_attempt was too high for the database column type.

Centreon Engine

Bug fixes
  • Restored the $ADMINEMAIL$ and $ADMINPAGER$ global macros.


Release date: June 9, 2023

Centreon Broker

  • On MariaDB, metrics are now inserted with a bulk prepared statement in data_bin table to improve performance.
  • New performance counters have been added to the gRPC API in order to track the longest queries and statements.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug that mainly occurred at backup time: a crash could occur when MariaDB was restarted.
  • Fixed a memory corruption in MySQL connection.
  • Fixed a typo in the "DELETE FROM services" query.
  • Fixed an incorrect query used to send perfdata with BBDO v2.
  • Fixed an issue in the initial evaluation of BAs with a "ratio" type.
  • Fixed concurrent access on bulk bind in unified_sql outputs.
  • Fixed deadlock on TCP async use.
  • Fixed inconsistency between Broker and Engine v2 loggers to fix a logger issue.
  • Fixed RTDOWNTIMES external commands handling. The duration is not required anymore for fixed downtimes.
  • Fixed the date displayed for last_check and other columns in Resources Status for pending resources.
  • Fixed the monitoring stream acknowledgement and its type tracing.
  • Fixed the rebuilding of RRD databases that could result in incomplete graphs when duplicate values were present in data_bin. The duplicates are now skipped to avoid this.
  • Fixed uncatched exceptions in thread that broke I/O context.

Centreon Engine

Bug fixes
  • Fixed the date displayed for last_check and other columns in Resources Status for pending resources.


Release date: March 16, 2023

Centreon Broker

Bug fix
  • Fixed an issue in the Stream Connector mechanism that would not handle the BBDO v3 RRD rebuild events.


Release date: October 26, 2022

Centreon Engine

  • [Settings] Changed the log level of some notification log messages
  • [Settings] Optimized the delay time by setting the default maximum number of queries per transaction to 2000 (following obervations on platforms in the field)
  • [Code] Improved the management of timed_events objects
  • [Code] Improved the memory management of downtimes
  • [Code] Calls to the atoi() C function have been replaced by more secure functions

Centreon Broker

  • [Communication] Added two new Broker streams to provide simpler configuration and support the gRPC protocol
  • [Communication] Added the ability to limit the maximum total size of Broker retention files using the event_queues_total_size global parameter
  • [Communication] Changed the default retry_interval from 60 to 15, in the configuration WUI as well as in the source code for a shorter time to reconnect
  • [gRPC API] The log levels can be accessed and changed without reloading thanks to the GetLogInfo {} and SetLogLevel {"logger": "<logger>", "level": "<log level>"} gRPC commands
  • [gRPC API] All traces of a deleted poller can be removed permanently thanks to the RemovePoller {} gRPC command
  • [Code] Calls to the atoi() C function have been replaced by more secure functions

Centreon Gorgone


Release date: September 16, 2024

Bug fixes

  • [MBI] The password of an MBI database user can now include special characters.


Release date: June 26, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Fixed gorgone whitelist for HA architecture.


Release date: May 16, 2024

Bug fixes

  • [Gorgone] Fixed a path issue on systemctl (Gorgone whitelist).
  • [Packaging] Fixed inconsistent system permissions on /var/log/centreon-engine/centengine.log.


Release date: March 28, 2024


  • Moved Gorgone whitelists to a dedicated file.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a regression causing one of Gorgone's modules to use 100% of one CPU core.


Release date: March 13, 2024

Bug fixes

  • Added the Auto Discovery patterns to the default commands whitelist.

Security fixes

  • Improved list of allowed commands for Auto Discovery.


Release date: February 14, 2024

Bug fixes

[Core] Fixed recurring unexpected disconnections between pollers using pull/pullws mode.

Security fix

[Security] Enabled whitelist of Centreon Gorgone commands by default to manage Centreon Engine and Broker processes in order to limit escalations of potential future vulnerabilities.


Release date: November 17, 2023

No Changes for this module in this version.


Release date: July 28, 2023

Bug fixes

  • [Compatibility] Fixed -d option to manage database entries in centreonBIETL script.
  • [Core] Fixed recurring unexpected disconnections between pollers.


Release date: June 5, 2023

Bug fixes

  • [Compatibility] Fixed the compatibility between Gorgone and MBI by adding the missing no-purge option in eventStatisticsBuilder and perfdataStatisticsBuilder scripts.
  • [Compatibility] Fixed an issue preventing the rebuild of MBI partial data.


  • [Packaging] Improved the default configuration for Debian packages.


Release date: October 26, 2022

  • Compatibility with other 22.10 components.

Centreon High-Availability


Release date: October 26, 2022

  • Compatibility with other 22.10 components.

Centreon DSM


Release date: June 5, 2023

Bug fixes

  • [Packaging] Fixed dsmd configuration files on Debian.


  • [Packaging] Improved the default configuration for Debian packages.


Release date: October 26, 2022

  • Compatibility with other 22.10 components.

Centreon Open Tickets


Release date: February 14, 2024


  • [Open Tickets] Add EasyVista connector.


Release date: July 28, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a Broker query.


Release date: June 5, 2023

Bug fixes

  • [API] Fixed an auto close issue in the API endpoint.
  • [Server] Fixed an issue on automatic ticket creation.


Release date: October 26, 2022

  • Compatibility with other 22.10 components.

Centreon HA


Release date: July 28, 2023

Bug fixes

  • [Packaging] Fixed packaging that had missing files from centreon-common installation.