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Version: 23.04

Managing maps in MAP

This topic provides information about how to perform actions on your maps from the Centreon MAP interface. You can create two types of map:

  • Standard maps: to visualize graphical representations of your monitored infrastructure.
  • Geographic views: to display the resources of your IT environment across a defined geographical area.

Options that are available in the MAP interface depend on the permissions assigned to you by your administrator. See the Manage access rights on MAP topic to know more about rights and permissions.

The display of the Add a Map button or Add a Geographic view button means that you are allowed to create a map and that you belong to an access group that is granted the creator role.

Map status information

The homepage displays the list of existing maps and you can visualize for each map, the worst status of all resources or containers included in the map.

Performing actions on a map

You can perform actions on each standard map and geographic view you have access to. Use the following procedures if you need to edit the map properties, share or delete a map.

The features to share and to copy a map URL are not available on a geographic view.

Duplicate a map

Click the three vertical dots menu at the top-right of the map, then click on Duplicate. A new map is automatically created, with "- copy" added to the initial name.

Delete a map

Click the trash button and confirm the deletion by clicking the Delete button.

Edit map properties

Click the wrench button to edit the map properties and confirm the changes by clicking the Edit button.

Share a map

Click the share button to edit the access group privileges and confirm the changes by clicking the Save button.


A Copy MAP URL button is available in view mode, allowing you to easily share the map you opened.