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Office365 OneDrive


Microsoft’s Office365 suite includes Onedrive, which is a file hosting and syncronisation service.

The monitoring information of Microsoft's Office365 is available through the Office365 API Management.

The data provided by the Office365 Management API are not real-time. They're based on a 7 days reporting period

Monitoring Connector assets​

Monitored objects​

  • Onedrive site usage

Monitored metrics​

See link for details about metrics :

Metric nameDescriptionUnit
active_sitesNumber of active sitesCount usage space (active sites)Bytes usage space (inactive sites)Bytes number of files (active sites)Count number of files (inactive sites )Count number of active filesCount

Once the host created, you can configure some macros on the services to filter information by site or by user. More information in the Configuration section.


Refer to the official documentation of Office365 Management or follow the link in the 'More information' section to create an Office365 account and get help about the management features.

Register an application​

The Office365 Management API use Azure AD to authenticate against Office365. To access the Office365 Management API, you need to register your application in Azure AD. Application is here used by Microsoft as a conceptual term, referring not only to the application software, but also to the Azure AD registration and role in authentication/authorization "conversations" at runtime. (

More detailed information is available here.

Office365 Management API authorization​

To collect data from Onedrive Online, you need to specify the following authorization:

  • Microsoft Graph :
    • Reports.Read.All (Type : Application)
    • User.Read (Type : Delegated)
  • Office365 Management APIs :
    • ServiceHealth.Read (Type : Application)
    • ActivityFeed.Read (Type : Application)

More information​

You can access to the official documentation to register your application, get your ID client, ID secret and your Tenant ID by following this link:


Monitoring Pack​

If the platform uses an online license, you can skip the package installation instruction below as it is not required to have the pack displayed within the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager menu. If the platform uses an offline license, install the package on the central server with the command corresponding to the operating system's package manager:

dnf install centreon-pack-cloud-microsoft-office365-onedrive

Whatever the license type (online or offline), install the Office365 OneDrive Pack through the Configuration > Monitoring Connector Manager menu.


Since Centreon 22.04, you can benefit from the 'Automatic plugin installation' feature. When this feature is enabled, you can skip the installation part below.

You still have to manually install the plugin on the poller(s) when:

  • Automatic plugin installation is turned off
  • You want to run a discovery job from a poller that doesn't monitor any resource of this kind yet

More information in the Installing the plugin section.

Use the commands below according to your operating system's package manager:

dnf install centreon-plugin-Cloud-Microsoft-Office365-Onedrive-Api


  • Log into Centreon and add a new Host through "Configuration > Hosts".
  • Apply the Cloud-Microsoft-Office365-Onedrive-Api-custom template and configure all the mandatory Macros :
XOFFICE365CUSTOMMODEAccess mode for the Plugin (default: 'graphapi')
XOFFICE365TENANTTenant-id of your Office365 organization
XOFFICE365CLIENTIDClient-id of your registered application
XOFFICE365CLIENTSECRETSecret-if of your registered application
OFFICE365EXTRAOPTIONSAny extra option you may want to add to the command (eg. a --verbose flag)

The metric perfdate will record the date the metric was collected. You can filter it by entering --filter-perfdata='^(?!.*perfdate).*$' into the OFFICE365EXTRAOPTIONS macro.

Once the host created, you can configure some Macros on the services to filter information:

FILTERURLFilter specific sites by URLs
FILTEROWNERFilter file by specific owners
FILTERCOUNTERFilter specific counters (default:'active-sites|total')


How can I test the Plugin in the CLI and what do the main parameters stand for ?​

Once the Centreon Plugin installed, you can test it directly in the CLI of the Centreon poller by logging with the centreon-engine user:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// \
--plugin=cloud::microsoft::office365::onedrive::plugin \
--mode=site-usage \
--tenant='abcd1234-5678-90ab-cd12-34567890abcd' \
--client-id='9876dcba-5432-10dc-ba98-76543210dcba' \
OK: Active sites on 2020-09-27 : 3/1031 (0.29%) - Total Usage (active sites)
893.84 MB, Usage (inactive sites): 149.03 GB, File Count (active sites): 154,
File Count (inactive sites): 26643, Active File Count (active sites): 5 |

The available thresholds as well as all of the options that can be used with this Plugin can be displayed by adding the --help parameter to the command:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// \
--plugin=cloud::microsoft::office365::onedrive::plugin \
--mode=site-usage \

You can display all of the modes that come with the Plugin with the command below:

/usr/lib/centreon/plugins// \
--plugin=cloud::microsoft::office365::onedrive::plugin \

Why do I get the following error:​

UNKNOWN: 500 Can't connect to ...:443​

This error message means that the Centreon Plugin couldn't successfully connect to the Office365 Management API. Check that no third party device (such as a firewall) is blocking the request. A proxy connection may also be necessary to connect to the API. This can be done by using the --proxyurl option in the command.

UNKNOWN: 501 Protocol scheme 'connect' is not supported |​

When using a proxy to connect to the Office365 Management API, this error message means that the Centreon Plugin library does not support the proxy connection protocol.

In order to prevent this issue, use the curl HTTP backend by adding the following option to the command: --http-backend='curl'.